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Learn the basics of human design in this article and then jump back here to dive deeper into key 32. Following your strategy and authority within human design will provide ease and keys will follow in a harmonizing way.

Human Design Gate

A human design gate is also called a gene key and it carries with it information about our genetic makeup and spiritual identity. We can use these keys to understand our purpose, potential, destiny, gifts, and even our shadow qualities. Understanding this enables us to make the most out of life; know what kind of decisions to take, how we should behave in relationships, and how to achieve our goals and ambitions.

The Gene Keys offer a profound insight into the energetic pattern of life, allowing us to tap into its hidden potentials, align ourselves with the universal laws, and create a life that is in harmony with our true nature - which is what human design is all about. By exploring the 66 gene keys we can understand how to unlock our highest potential for evolution, and how to create a life of self-expression, fulfillment, and abundance.

The human design gate, or Gene Keys, can open up a wealth of opportunity for you to discover who you are and create an unlimited future all the while trusting your inner knowing.

“This Gift of Preservation is all about grafting. The strongest plants tend to be when we graft a young bud onto an old rootstock. The 32nd Gift is drawn to the old, the traditional, the ancestral, not in a staid way, but because there are things that have deep value from our past that are worth nourishing for future generations. To create or preserve something of value for future generations is the most wonderful way of spending one’s life.” ~ The 64 Ways

The 32nd Gene Key moves from the Shadow of Failure to the Siddhi of Veneration: Way of Preservation

Programming Partner Gene Key 42: Expectation – Non-Attachment – Celebration

The 32nd gene key explores the significance and mystique of our history and lineage, specifically the bloodline that resonates most strongly within your body. It's realizing how valuable your life is. And it's having the self-control to develop the ability to pause and follow the soft Truth inside of you toward true success.

Shadow of Failure: The Myth of Failure

The first thing to note is that failure is an illusion. Illusions should be dispelled. Always, what we mistake for failure is actually a blessing. It might even come as a revelation to us, illuminating a fresh path to liberation. And if you actually want to succeed, you have to give up the idea of success and failure altogether.

Panic is the 32nd shadow's problem. It's an inconspicuous vibration that comes from fear. It is a result of a profound amnesia of who we are. It has a frenzied energy that is hurried, reactive, and frenetic. Additionally, terror and aimlessness combined push us down the path of failure. It goes deeper than that, too. It affects how we approach decision-making in our daily lives.

Be honest with yourself and remember yesterday's natural rhythms. When did you get anxious? Anxiety is a subdued undercurrent that includes panic. You are merely attempting to get through the day in order to find closure or peace. And how frequently do you experience that calm?

Gift of Preservation: Art of Grafting

The old, the conventional, and the ancestral are all pulled to by the 32nd gift of preservation. Because there are things from our history that have significant significance and are worth nurturing for future generations, it is necessary that we learn from and anchor ourselves in the wisdom of our predecessors. Knowing what to keep alive is more important than simply keeping things alive.

The gift of grafting is the heart of true preservation. The rootstock, which is sturdy, is retained through grafting, after which the new is grafted onto that strength. The things we value are protected by preservation. Let's create more moments as such. It keeps the things we treasure; ancestral reverence. What is vital is the big inner question. What ought to be preserved for upcoming generations? Possibly love? the actuality? How about a little mercy? Select any Siddhi.

Siddhi of Veneration: Perfume of Consciousness

The word "veneration" is derived from the Latin for Venus, which means "love" or "beauty." It honors the big chain of being, the feminine, the beautiful, the essential, and the live transmission of wisdom and truth. It's also a term that's related to saints. In practically every society, there is a custom of honoring deceased sacred figures.

We learn that veneration is at the core of life. Knowing we are a small part of a huge enigma is it. And that each of our individual lives is crucial. A valuable life. a thin line connecting the present and future. Follow the higher purpose encoded in your DNA, which is the soft pulse of truth that beats inside of you. Seize that reality. Travel around the vast plains and meadows of the globe on it like a wild stallion.

Contemplation: Embracing the Gentle Pulse of Truth

Most of us only pause to enjoy life for a brief period of time each day when we're not stressing. What if you could slow down inside instead? Such an art to create a personalized experience. Can you already sense the anxiety at work? Usually, you can see how anxious everyone is and how we move quickly from one item to the next.

So, what energies will you release from your life, that are no longer serving you?

And how can you step forward more gently in your life? Consider what you are imagining...

Are you willing to allow the Genius within you to shine out such thing with boldness?

The above summary is originated from Richard Rudd's profound work at www.genekeys.com and synopsis from Glenda Hilsenteger at https://ghilsenteger.com

For a more information, go to www.genekeys.com or order the Gene Keys Book.

Learn About More of Your Gene Keys Below

Gene Key 1

Gene Key 2

Gene Key 3

Gene Key 4

Gene Key 5

Gene Key 6

Gene Key 7

Gene Key 8

Gene Key 9

Gene Key 10

Gene Key 11

Gene Key 12

Gene Key 13

Gene Key 14

Gene Key 15

Gene Key 16

Gene Key 17

Gene Key 18

Gene Key 19

Gene Key 20

Gene Key 21

Gene Key 22

Gene Key 23

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Gene Key 64