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Learn the basics of human design in this article and then jump back here to dive deeper into gene keys 40. Following your strategy and authority within human design will provide ease and gene keys will follow in a harmonizing way.

Human Design Gate

A human design gate is also called a gene key and it carries with it information about our genetic makeup and spiritual identity. We can use these keys to understand our purpose, potential, destiny, gifts, and even our shadow qualities. Understanding this enables us to make the most out of life; know what kind of decisions to take, how we should behave in relationships, and how to achieve our goals and ambitions.

The Gene Keys offer a profound insight into the energetic pattern of life, allowing us to tap into its hidden potentials, align ourselves with the universal laws, and create a life that is in harmony with our true nature - which is what human design is all about. By exploring the 66 gene keys we can understand how to unlock our highest potential for evolution, and how to create a life of self-expression, fulfillment, and abundance.

The human design gate, or Gene Keys, can open up a wealth of opportunity for you to discover who you are and create an unlimited future all the while trusting your inner knowing.

“The 40th Gift of Resolve is about becoming adept at giving to yourself. Ultimately, it is about deep physical relaxation. It's that wonderful balance between serving the world and serving your own enjoyment. True resolve is not possible unless you know how to relax. Many people in the hectic modern world mistake the word rest with the word relaxation. We all need rest, yet perhaps even more, we need relaxation. Rest allows the physical body to recharge, but relaxation allows all of our subtle bodies to recharge as well. When we relax fully, our emotional and mental health is assured, as well as our physical health.” ~ The Gene Keys Book

The 40th Gene Key moves from the Shadow of Exhaustion to the Siddhi of Divine Will: the Way of Resolve

Programming Partner Gene Key 37: Weakness – Equality – Tenderness

A direct path to the Divine is provided through the 40th Gene Key. It is a function of human willpower. Will we employ it properly or improperly? Vital energy is provided from the depths of our being when our acts are in harmony with the universe. Our energy will be diminished when our acts are forced and do not originate from our actual source.

Shadow of Exhaustion: Energetics of Force and Will

It is the shadow of tiredness because we start to die when we shut ourselves off from our Divinity, our Source. We overwork ourselves. We think and worry too much. We even search too much. And when we disperse our energies too thinly, we weaken. Therefore, tiredness is here to teach us not to squander our valuable time and energy.

In order to combat this shadow, ruthlessness is required. It's telling us to take it easy and take care of our own energy. It is letting the Divine determine for us what is genuinely important for our Souls. Cut eliminate anything that isn't nourishing and feeding your soul. Focus on what's most important. Things quickly achieve a healthy equilibrium in our lives when we cut out the excess. Never too late to experience rebirth.

Gift of Resolve: Lost Art of Doing Nothing

Grace is in the Gift of Resolve. If this gene key appears prominently in your profile, it may indicate that you have a unique chance to experience transcendence during this lifetime. Developing self-giving skills is what resolve is all about. Deep bodily relaxation is ultimately what it's all about. Our lives were never designed to be as challenging as we occasionally make them as human beings. When you fix your eye on a mark and bring it into existence, you have the gift of resolve, which is pure genius. The entire course of your acts is being followed. Surrender peacefully. Your life is moving in the direction that it was intended to.

You're here to accomplish something, and no one else can except you and your personal will and exquisite independence. It's up to you to locate it. Most likely, it is already in front of you. You could even be aware of what it is. And once you make the decision to act, you'll be overcome by the power of will and absolutely free. Your task won't exhaust you; instead, you'll find the energy you need to complete it. Instead, it will continue to fill you up. You will continue to refuel from inside.

Siddhi of Divine Will: Complete Physical Relaxation

Divine Will entails that "Surrender" is the only trait you require. Nothing should be done. Simply let life happen; no correct or incorrect use. Just deal with whatever surfaces when provoked. Be in charge of your own vitality, ideas, and deeds. Return to the middle. Be kind to yourself as necessary. Peacefully give up rather than obediently. Moreover, have faith that everything is pure grace!

Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. ~ Rumi

Contemplation: Maintaining Balance

Sustained effort requires rest. This means giving support and being supported in return – an energetic exchange in balance. And it’s keeping healthy boundaries so your energy isn’t depleted. So, ask yourself:

* In what ways do I over-extend myself for family, friends, work, or community?

* Do I allow myself enough alone time so that I can rejuvenate? And, do I feel supported by others when I do need to take time for myself?

* How can I love myself more by saying no when my energy feels depleted? And, how can I use my precious energy in ways that are meaningful for my Soul?

Invite yourself to be still, and commune with your heart

Let your heart answer the questions that follow, so you can harmonize with your precious divine will:

* How can I keep my mind still so I can begin to feel the loving energies of my heart? Am I really being loyal to my own heart?

* What is it I really, really love? What truly makes my heart sing? And, what is it I most want to share with the world?

* Am I really willing to surrender to divine will? If so, then how can I align with, and allow greater support into my life?

The above summary is originated from Richard Rudd's profound work at www.genekeys.com and synopsis from Glenda Hilsenteger at https://ghilsenteger.com

For a more information, go to www.genekeys.com or order the Gene Keys Book.

Learn About More of Your Gene Keys Below

Gene Key 1

Gene Key 2

Gene Key 3

Gene Key 4

Gene Key 5

Gene Key 6

Gene Key 7

Gene Key 8

Gene Key 9

Gene Key 10

Gene Key 11

Gene Key 12

Gene Key 13

Gene Key 14

Gene Key 15

Gene Key 16

Gene Key 17

Gene Key 18

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