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Learn the basics of human design in this article and then jump back here to dive deeper into human design gate gene keys 48. Following your strategy and authority within human design will provide ease and gene keys will follow in a harmonizing way.

Human Design Gate

A human design gate is also called a key and it carries with it information about our genetic makeup and spiritual identity. We can use these gene keys to understand our purpose, potential, destiny, gifts, and even our shadow qualities. Understanding this enables us to make the most out of life; know what kind of decisions to take, how we should behave in relationships, and how to achieve our goals and ambitions.

The Gene Keys offer a profound insight into the energetic pattern of life, allowing us to tap into its hidden potentials, align ourselves with the universal laws, and create a life that is in harmony with our true nature - which is what human design is all about. By exploring the 66 gene keys or human design gate, we can understand how to unlock our highest potential for evolution, and how to create a life of self-expression, fulfillment, and abundance.

The human design gate, or Gene Key, can open up a wealth of opportunity for you to discover who you are and create an unlimited future all the while trusting your inner knowing.

“Wisdom will elude us like a slippery fish, and if we make it into knowledge, it’ll no longer be wisdom. It will have become ossified and only have limited use. Wisdom is endlessly useful. We speak about pearls of wisdom––and that’s what they are––endlessly dripping from the heavens. The beauty of wisdom is its very ephemeral nature. Because it detonates like soap bubbles, it can’t be trapped, caught, or materialized. Wisdom emanates from everything, even the very smallest things. A snail has more wisdom than the greatest logician.”~ The 64 Ways

Programming Partner Gene Key 21: Control – Authority – Valour

The 48th Gene Key moves from the Shadow of Inadequacy to the Siddhi of Wisdom: Way of Resourcefulness

Between the ages of eight and fourteen in the physical body, the 48th Gene Key guides the growth and development of our emotional life. We are going through a period of enormous expansion. And dealing with our emotional health during this stage is always a huge emotional challenge.

Whatever occurs to us leaves an emotional mark on us. However, it need not govern the rest of our lives. You must confront your deepest fear as wisdom lies within it. You'll have to untangle it from within yourself. However, your interpersonal connections will direct you. Additionally, it will always depend on how much you can love yourself, others, and how you handle your reactive nature.

Shadow of Inadequacy: Fear of Not Knowing

A particularly intense fear key is the life force 48th Gene Key. When it comes to mastery or gifts, "not knowing" is totally different from "not knowing" in the repressive nature as a shadow pattern. The 48th shadow of inadequacy is the conviction that you are incapable of managing, or the worry that you might stumble or fail. This is a fairly understandable characteristic that humans frequently exhibit when confronted with the unknown.

Inadequacy is a decision, in reality that emerges spontaneously. A victim of your fear of the unknown is someone who believes they are insufficient. You really don't want to cede that kind of power, do you?

Gift of Resourcefulness: Embracing Not Knowing

The remedy for fear can be found in the 48th Gene Key; it is the dream arc of gentleness. Always keep that in mind of your emotional states. Above all, always remember to treat yourself kind. The 48th Key's gift is in what you "don't know." What people know defines them. But your ability to confront the unfamiliar with assurance, receptivity, and a spirit of adventure defines you. Knowing spontaneously comes from this empty place. It is a common sense and connectedness to the natural world-based natural wisdom. So, continue to be grounded. You can connect with the wellspring of nature's enormous strength by being in it.

The tangible world is impacted by the 48th gift as well for many centuries. It entails providing resources for people and establishing connections between them and their own depth. Or it might be assisting others in discovering what is lacking in their lives or what brings them into balance. You know, there is so much untapped energy hidden deep within the structure of matter years ago... And the 48th gift is adept at letting it go.

The 48th Gene Key can become blissfulness for you, and an inspiration for others...

Siddhi of Wisdom: Beyond Being and Not Being

'Not knowing' is also the foundation of the Siddhi of Wisdom. It is situated between the concepts and the words. It predates the mind. It may be accessed through the mind, similar to how light passes through a prism, yet it doesn't cling to anything. It naturally arises from the center of creation. Knowledge is alive. It's a clever thing. Our DNA contains it. Our bodies are very wise, just like the sun is very wise.

Life resolves itself simply and elegantly when you come to accept your own "not knowing." And inside of you, a natural reconditioning process happens. You start to understand that you're capable of much more than you ever imagined. Remember:

It is only when you learn to love the ordinary that you can open up to the miraculous.

The above summary is originated from Richard Rudd's profound work at www.genekeys.com and synopsis from Glenda Hilsenteger at https://ghilsenteger.com

For a more information, go to www.genekeys.com or order the Gene Keys Book.

Learn About More of Your Gene Keys Below

Gene Key 1

Gene Key 2

Gene Key 3

Gene Key 4

Gene Key 5

Gene Key 6

Gene Key 7

Gene Key 8

Gene Key 9

Gene Key 10

Gene Key 11

Gene Key 12

Gene Key 13

Gene Key 14

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