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Learn the basics of human design in this article and then jump back here to dive deeper into human design gates 50. Following your strategy and authority within human design will provide ease and gene keys will follow in a harmonizing way.

Human Design Gate

A human design gate is also called a key and it carries with it information about our genetic makeup and spiritual identity. We can use these gene keys to understand our purpose, potential, destiny, gifts, and even our shadow qualities. Understanding this enables us to make the most out of life; know what kind of decisions to take, how we should behave in relationships, and how to achieve our goals and ambitions.

The Gene Keys offer a profound insight into the energetic pattern of life, allowing us to tap into its hidden potentials, align ourselves with the universal laws, and create a life that is in harmony with our true nature - which is what human design is all about. By exploring the 66 gene keys or human design gate, we can understand how to unlock our highest potential for evolution, and how to create a life of self-expression, fulfillment, and abundance.

The human design gate, or Key, can open up a wealth of opportunity for you to discover who you are and create an unlimited future all the while trusting your inner knowing.

“No single gene key can be fully understood without understanding all the other gene keys. This is why it is important to explore the essence of each gene key. A single molecule of DNA contains every one of the 64 Gifts within our DNA, so at some level, every one of them is resonating within your own being...

Note the relationship between the 50th Gift of Equilibrium and the 59th Gift of Intimacy: The 50th Gift holds the blueprint of equilibrium, while the 59th Gift implements it. There is also a deep connection between the 59th Shadow of Dishonesty and 50th Shadow of Corruption: Intimacy is the key to manifesting equilibrium in the world. It's about honesty in our interactions with others. And the role of honesty is to create a clean group aura in which all hidden agendas are laid on the table. Without this, no true equilibrium can ever be reached.”~ The 64 Ways

Programming Partner Gene Key 3: Chaos – Innovation – Innocence

The 50th Gene Key moves from the Shadow of Corruption to the Siddhi of Harmony: Way of Equilibrium

The cosmic harmony patterns in gene keys spectrum that are woven throughout all forms and all realms are the subject of Gene Key 50. We are awakening beings, musical beings as humans. We have an octave-like structure. And via our opening up to love, all those notes need to be plucked properly. The emotional system is then transcended, the mind becomes still, the physical body glows, and we reach the stage of self-illumination.

As above, so below.  As within, so without.’

Shadow of Corruption: Lost in Transcription

Corrupt data is the subject of the 50th shadow of corruption. A virus was preinstalled on each of our physical bodies when we first existed. This virus started acting in the womb. It's woven into our DNA; it's our karmic inheritance. Additionally, each of us has genetic predispositions, ancestral baggage, and karma that distort the real pattern of our nature for the whole society. The "Journey to our Awakening" is our purpose in life—to remove these faulty programs and restart our main hard drive.

Gift of Equilibrium: Nature of Self-Organizing Intelligence

Maintaining our spirits in the face of shadow frequencies is the goal of equilibrium. The Power of This Gift! It can be incredibly creative and uses corrupt energy to achieve harmony. Those who possess the 50th gift have the drive and intelligence to enter any dysfunctional setting and use their inner strength, aura, and gifts to bring the elements back together. True harmony is then once more feasible creating potent and coherent formations into existence.

Siddhi of Harmony: Gathering of the Illuminati

Our ability to maintain our internal balance or core stability is put to the test repeatedly by life. Therefore, we must continue to innovate and creatively adapt to each situation. We're out of balance the majority of the time when we're in the shadow condition. We are a victim snared in the corruption rule Maia's web. But as we become more aware of our inner existence, we start to understand that we are the source of our own equilibrium. And that maintaining it requires effort…

Both the individual and collective are here to learn how to live peacefully. We become unmovable and genuinely tranquil when our equanimity stabilizes. A greater reality becomes accessible to us via our lives—a harmony that is unseen but is transmitted to us by every DNA-encoded cell. And this deeper harmony is tuned into us by our DNA. Beyond the visible world to our senses, there is a deeper harmony to create balance.

Contemplation: Aligning with Harmony

Each of us human beings has the ability to bring about harmony, one loving action at a time; personalized content and ads aside. We must first take care of ourselves in order to be nurtured, supported, and cared for by others. We must strike a balance between giving and receiving if we are to flourish in partnership and community:

So, check in with your heart:

* Do the values and rules that you live by cause your heart to feel lighter? Or heavier? Why?

* For the values and rules that cause your heart to feel heavier: Are you willing to set and enforce clear boundaries between you and the others involved? Why? Why not?

* What higher values and principles will allow you to receive more love, harmony and nurturing from your loved ones?

* And what would it take to initiate such a change process - in your home, workplace, community?

Finally, remember to love and treat yourself with kindness. We are living in a very stressful moment. Therefore, please think about starting your day with a "gratitude exercise." Gratitude facilitates innovation and puts us in a position to take the appropriate action at the appropriate time, which will help younger generations moving forward.

The above summary is originated from Richard Rudd's profound work at www.genekeys.com and synopsis from Glenda Hilsenteger at https://ghilsenteger.com

For a more information, go to www.genekeys.com or order the Gene Keys Book.

Learn About More of Your Gene Keys Below

Gene Key 1

Gene Key 2

Gene Key 3

Gene Key 4

Gene Key 5

Gene Key 6

Gene Key 7

Gene Key 8

Gene Key 9

Gene Key 10

Gene Key 11

Gene Key 12

Gene Key 13

Gene Key 14

Gene Key 15

Gene Key 16

Gene Key 17

Gene Key 18

Gene Key 19

Gene Key 20

Gene Key 21

Gene Key 22

Gene Key 23

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Gene Key 64